Do you have design skills? Let’s see them!
We’re calling on YOU to submit an icon design for PTOY for a chance to receive 100 PTOY!
As you can see from the example below, most cryptocurrencies simply use their company logo. We thought it would be fun to open our icon design to the community. No, it’s not required that you use a coin look-and-feel. (And no, we are not minting our own coin.)
Our only requirement: you must incorproate the Patientory logo (the black and red medicine cross) in your design. Download a PNG file here.
Just to make things even more fun, we’re going to do two things:
- After we cull down all entries down to the final four, we’ll open up the voting to the community.*
- The winner will be awarded 100 PTOY.
- All entries must be received by 16:00 EDT / 20:00 UTC on S unday, June 18.
- You must incorproate the Patientory logo (the black and red medicine cross) in your design. Download a PNG file here.
- No vulgar designs will be accepted. Keep it clean, please.
- * While the community gets to vote, Patientory gets the veto on the final choice.
How to Enter:
- Please create the icon at the following sizes: 1024×1024, 512×512, 256×256, 128×128, 64×64, 32×32, 16×16.
- Please upload one zip file containing 7 PNG files (one PNG for each size).
- Please submit your entry via email to with the subject line “ICON CONTEST ENTRY”
Any questions? Please email